Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Healthy" cereals that aren't: Grapenuts

"Healthy" cereals that really aren't: 
Grape Nuts and Post's "Natural Advantage Line"

Grape Nuts may carry that crunchy, earthy image—and food industry giant Post did form the "Post Natural Advantage Line," which includes Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat, and Raisin Bran—but the ingredients used in these cereals are grown with chemical pesticides.
"They are 'natural' only in the sense that they do not appear to contain artificial preservatives," explains Vallaeys. "But the ingredients are conventional ingredients, from crops grown on conventional farms which can use toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically engineered crops, and a whole host of other inputs that are strictly prohibited on farms growing crops for organic cereal." For that reason, Post landed rock bottom on the Cornucopia Institute's Cereal Scorecard.

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